How Your UK Business Could Boost its Online Presence
Social media enables small businesses to listen, engage and share stories with new and existing customers. It’s a great way to drive awareness for your brand, generate sales and create buzz around your products or services. With all businesses in the U.K, getting your name out there is of vital importance and an exercise that simply cannot be ignored. Get it wrong and you could be missing out on thousands of potential customers. Making the most of your online presence is something that more and more businesses are beginning to realise the value of. Make sure you’re not left in the lurch and find the best ways to increase you’re your company looks and performs online. Have a look at the best ways to boost your online presence and get your business on the right track.
Reach Out to Your Audience Preview
Identify the social channels that your audience uses the most and create content that will appeal to them. Try engaging your customers in conversations and be responsive to their queries. Customers like to be heard and ignoring them is likely to reflect badly on your company and put you in a negative light. Delegate the task of social media management to several members of staff and make sure it becomes their priority.
Keep it Short and Sweet
Tweets are limited to 140 characters for a reason. Customers don’t want to spend an hour reading your latest post about your quarterly figures. They want short snippets of easily digestible information that attracts their attention to the business. Aim for shorter, punchier content which typically achieves a higher level of engagement and you won’t go far wrong.
Every Picture Tells a Story
Combine information and links with attention-grabbing visuals, such as GIFS, videos and animations. Experiment with different formats to extend your reach and engagement. Be creative in your quest and look for unique ways to grab the attention of the customer and once you have their attention, play to keep it. Keep them interested with interesting online content that will engage them and inform them to your products and service.
Video is King
Video value is delivered within seconds so it’s important to capture attention quickly with engaging brand visuals. Remember mobile video consumption is fast, frequent and sound-free. Keep videos as short and always include captions and links to your main page. Include content that is focused on capturing the attention of the user, but shows what your business is about and what you can offer.
Make your Posts Timely
Keep your social media prompts timely and relevant by posting at the times your customer base is most likely to be online. Schedule your posts to make sure it looks organic and not like an hourly effort once every Monday morning. Assign the task to an individual and let them experiment with what works and what doesn’t. Spread your posts across a multitude of platforms to make sure that all potential customers are easily able to see what your business is all about.